
25 de juliol del 2014

SDCC 2014: McConaughey y Nolan charlan sobre "Interstellar"

En posts anteriores ya hemos constatado la importancia de Interstellar como título de referencia. Es el que más expectación genera de cara a finales de este año. La Comic Con de San Diego es el acontecimiento de previews más importante del momento y Paramount Pictures no podía presentarse a esta gran plataforma sin su producción estrella. Esta presencia no había sido anunciada previamente constituyendo una de aquellas sorpresas que engrandecen esta espléndida convención.

Fue Matthew McConaughey el que sorprendió a los más de 6000 asistentes que abarrotaban el Hall H para ver las novedades de Paramount. Tras recibir la ovación del público, empezó a hablar de sensaciones personales sobre la película y el estilo de Nolan a la hora de dirigir pero reconoció que no podía revelar más detalles del film en particular. Poco después, llegó el momento de la entrada en escena de Christopher Nolan. Para ambos supuso el debut en la San Diego Comic Con. Posteriormente, se proyectó un nuevo trailer de la película que podremos ver dentro de unos días. 

McConaughey afirmó lo siguiente:

“I got a call from my agent who said Christopher Nolan has a film and he wants to meet. Three hours went by and he didn’t say anything about a new film or me having a role. Then a week later the script came out. I read it and I liked it quite a lot and I was in.

“Cooper is a pilot, an engineer, and a widowed pilot of two children where civilization is just sustaining. There’s food, clean water, but they don’t need any explorers, no new bright ideas. Then something happens and the dream of being a pilot again knocks on his door.” 

Nolan, por su parte, declaró:

“To be an astronaut was the highest ambition. The idea to keep exploring space farther and farther… it (fell) off greatly. We are in a period of incredible technological change, (but it’s about) what’s in your pocket, your living room. I like the idea that we are on the cusp of a brand new era and we are traveling outwards more.”

“For me, in working on the script, there were a lot of very intense conversations with somebody who is much better informed than me. It actually made my head hurt a bit. I actually said to Kip Thorne, ‘Well, I don’t want to understand this stuff too much, because I have to be able to explain it to the audience.’ He’s a very generous collaborator, and somebody who has spent an incredible amount of time thinking about these concepts.”

“I’ve always been a huge fan of science fictiion. I’d grown up being amazed by science fiction of the past, obviously Star Wars and 2001. These are things that made an incredible impression on me. But more than that, I grew up in an era when to be an astronaut was the highest ambition of any child.”

“It’s really about human beings, and what it means to be human, and what our place is in the universe.”

Sobre su primera aparición en la Comic Con, dijo lo siguiente:

“I’ve heard a lot about this really being a place where people are most passionate about movies and popular culture in general, so I thought I’d come see what all the fuss is about, I’m not disappointed and extremely honored to be here.”