
16 de desembre del 2010

Grandes escenas de la historia del cine: Butch y Sundance deben dar un salto de fe

Tras pasar más de un día huyendo de la patrulla que lidera el implacable comisario especial Joe Lefors, los forajidos Butch Cassidy (Paul Newman) y Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, más conocido como Sundance Kid (Robert Redford), quedan rodeados en un acantilado. Dispuestos a morir matando, parecen afrontar su último tiroteo, pero Butch esboza la posibilidad de un salto en apariencia mortal que, de salir bien, les permitiría escapar.

El timing del diálogo escrito por William Goldman es magnífico y un Paul Newman, en el mejor momento de su carrera, nos ofrece una de las escenas más divertidas que se han visto en una pantalla de cine. Os dejo, pues, con este memorable momento:

Butch: DAMMIT! Well, the way I figure it, we can either fight or give. If we give, we go to jail.

Sundance: I been there already.

Butch: But if we fight, they can stay right where they are and starve us out or go for position - shoot us; might even get a rockslide started and get us that way. What else could they do?

Sundance: They could surrender to us, but I wouldn't count on that. They're goin' for position, all right. Better get ready.

Butch: Kid - the next time I say, 'Let's go someplace like Bolivia,' let's go someplace like Bolivia.

Sundance: Next time. Ready?

Butch: Like hell we will.

Butch: No, it'll be OK - if the water's deep enough, we don't get squished to death. They'll never follow us.

Sundance: How do you know?

Butch: Would you make a jump like that you didn't have to?

Sundance: I have to and I'm not gonna.

Butch: Well, we got to, otherwise we're dead. They're just gonna have to go back down the same way they come. Come on.

Sundance: Just one clear shot, that's all I want.

Butch: Come on.

Sundance: Uh-uh.

Butch: We got to.

Sundance: Nope! Get away from me!

Butch: Why?

Sundance: I wanna fight 'em!

Butch: They'll kill us!

Sundance: Maybe.

Butch: You wanna die?

Sundance: Do you?

Butch: All right. I'll jump first.

Sundance: Nope.

Butch: Then you jump first.

Sundance: No, I said!

Butch: What's the matter with you?

Sundance: I can't swim!

Butch: Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha... why, you crazy - the fall'll probably kill ya!